
What’s so Important about the Suit of Pentacles?


This suit puts the magic into Tarot. How does it do this? The pentacle is a symbol of magic that has been important to almost every ancient culture.

The pentacle represented the five visible planets, and it was the symbol of the Goddess Venus. It soon became important to many doctrines of esoteric Renaissance and Medieval systems, such as alchemy, the Kabbalah, and ceremonial magic.

The first packs of Tarot featured a suit of coins, but when A. E. Waite was designing his deck, he changed this suit to Pentacles to add magical symbolism to his system of card reading.



In the modern Tarot, the suit of Pentacles now represents the element of earth and it focuses on physical or material qualities. Matters relating to business, finances, the natural world, assets, security, and the home are all concerns of this suit. But the magical potency of this suit is never far away.

From the heavenly gift of the pentacle offered in the Ace, to the Ten which features a Kabbalistic Tree of Life created from pentacles, each card carries the magical possibility of bringing abundance to your life.




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