Talks & Workshops
If you want me to run a workshop for your group, or to give a presentation at a Tarot conference, here is a list of the topics available.

Tarot Made Simple
An introduction to Tarot explaining the simple way to discover the meanings of Tarot cards. Participants will have the opportunity to do Tarot readings for themselves and each other, using a variety of spreads.
Group size: 4 to 8 participants
Duration: 5 hours

Advanced Tarot
If you’ve already attended a ‘Tarot Made Simple’ workshop, it’s now time to explore more key concepts of Tarot interpretation. The focus of this class is to ‘see’ the relationship of the cards to each other in a spread. Special attention will be given to the Court cards too. There’ll be plenty of opportunities to use the cards and to receive readings on the day.
Group size: 4 to 8 participants
Duration: 5 hours

Tarot Masterclass
Gain a better understanding of the deeper meanings of the Major Arcana cards. Tarot readings using some new spreads will be an important part of the workshop. The main focus of the workshop is to have a greater understanding of the many ways you can use Tarot for spiritual development.
Group size: 4 to 8 participants
Duration: 4 hours

Backwards Tarot
Most people approach a Tarot reading by looking at each card and listing its interpretation through associated keywords, or by divining the meaning through its symbols. Here’s a new approach to understand the nature of each card…
In this workshop you approach Tarot backwards — associating words and phrases with the appropriate cards. Using a series of innovative activities and games, attendees work as individuals, and in teams, to divine new card interpretations from various scenarios.
In this workshop you develop an innate understanding of each card, adding depth and wisdom to the interpretations of your readings.
Group size: 4 to 10 participants
Duration: 1 hour

The Role of the Minor Arcana in Your Life
Compared to the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana’s importance within a spread is often downplayed, or overlooked. The role of the Minor Arcana is to provide guidance about your everyday life, and since so many readings are usually about relationships, or careers, or finances, then understanding the subtleties of the Minor Arcana is truly valuable.
Group size: 4 to 8 participants
Duration: 5 hours

The Court Cards
Not many Tarot readers feel confident in their interpretations of the Court cards, however, the Page, Knight, Queen, and King of each suit have a vital role to play in any Tarot reading. The suits have particular qualities associated with them, and the Court Cards show you the level of development attained. When you understand the qualities and spiritual lessons available from the Court cards, you will look forward to seeing them in a spread!
Group size: 4 to 8 participants
Duration: 2 hours

Tarot Spreads
In this workshop we explore the types of readings you can do for yourself, then we move to the types of readings you can do for others. And finally we’ll look at using Tarot as a tool for measuring your spiritual progress.
Group size: 4 to 8 participants
Duration: 4 hours

Tarot Symbols and Divination
All of the cards of the modern Tarot contain pictures and symbols that generate an emotional response when they turn up in a reading. In this workshop I show how your minds react to symbols, and why the designer of the Tarot included certain symbolism in the cards. An innovative form of divination will be used by those attending, in order to activate their intuition.
Group size: 4 to 16 participants
Duration: 2 hours

An Introduction to Tarot
What is Tarot? Can you really tell the future with Tarot cards? Who uses them? Where did Tarot cards come from? The answers to all of these questions will surprise you.
Duration: 1 hour

Tarot's Blessings
In the images of the Tarot there are secret symbols you can unlock to release powerful blessings. There is hidden magic contained within these symbols that you can draw out and use in your own lives, and you can take these blessings and give them to others if you wish.
Duration: 1 hour

Real Tarot for Modern Times
It’s time to view Tarot in a new way. Let go of the ‘spookiness’ of Tarot’s past and see it as a useful, practical tool for modern times.
Duration: 1 hour

The Light Within the Darkest Cards
All of the ‘negative’ cards have great value within their darkness, but they also have messages of hope hidden within plain sight. Allow me to transform your ideas of these ‘difficult’ cards.
Duration: 1 hour

The Tarot’s Real History
Most websites and books describe Tarot’s origin as ‘mysterious’ or ‘unknown’, but this is not the case. Recognised historians have agreed upon a time and date for Tarot’s birth. Allow me to tell you the story of how a combination of religion, occultism, and mysticism brought Tarot cards from obscurity to ubiquity.
Duration: 1 hour

The History and Evolution of Tarot’s Fool and Magician
The Tarot’s Fool began his existence as the village idiot, without money, without position, without power, without common sense. The Tarot’s Magician was once seen as a sleight of hand con artist. The evolution of these characters into beloved archetypes of the modern Tarot is due to occultists who looked at them from a mystical viewpoint. Let me show you the evolutionary twists and turns along their path to power.
Duration: 1 hour

Honouring the Women of the Tarot
Tarot is filled with images of women and goddesses. In this talk we look at some of these powerful women and discover the influence they have on the reader of the cards. In particular we explore the cards called The High Priestess and The Empress in their respective roles as the goddesses Persephone and Demeter. This talk can also be adapted to become a workshop (for up to 25 people) which includes a ritual and meditation to honour The Empress.
Duration: 1 hour talk or 2 hour workshop
Please contact us for bookings and prices of our Talks and Workshop options.