Tarot Masterclass:

Beginner to Intermediate

3 hours

These recorded video sessions have been thoughtfully designed. The instructions and examples are given in down-to-earth terms. This series of video courses takes you from a beginner to an experienced reader in easy-to-manage steps.

Module 1: Getting Started

Session 1: Do you have to be psychic to read Tarot?

Tarot cards are illustrated with scenes and symbols. To become a Tarot reader, you don’t have to be psychic. The designer of the cards (and his artist) have intentionally placed clues in each image to reveal its meaning to you. Your mind is capable of interpreting the meaning of a card from its scenery and from the characters in each image. In this session you will be shown how to effectively ‘see’ the symbolism determining the interpretation of each card.

Session 2: Overcoming the superstitions and misinformation about Tarot.

Unfortunately, most Tarot websites base their information on old superstitions. In this section I explain why you don’t need to follow these outdated practices.

Session 3: What are ‘reversed’ cards and do you need them?

If you’ve been doing a bit of research about Tarot, you may have stumbled across interpretations for reversed cards. What are they and how are they interpreted? As a beginner, is it important to know these meanings too? 

Session 4: Activity — Choosing a card to add purpose and direction to your life.

It’s time to start using your Tarot cards. We’ll do a reading together and you will receive guidance for the coming week.

Module 2: Preparation for Readings

Session 1: Preparation for a Tarot reading.

It doesn’t matter whether you are baking cake, writing up a financial report, or doing a Tarot reading…being in the right frame of mind and having the right resources gives you the best results. Here’s how to prepare your body, mind, and intuition for a detailed Tarot reading.

Session 2: The best type of question for a clear answer from the cards.

“If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing,” said author and engineer William Edwards Deming. You need to work out a clear question in order to receive a clear answer. This video session shows you how to phrase a question so you receive accurate information from the cards.

Session 3: How to shuffle like a Tarot Master.

How long do you need to spend on shuffling the cards before they are ready to be put into a spread? Should you cut the deck after you have shuffled? What should you be thinking about while shuffling?

Session 4: More shuffling tips, including what to do if a card falls out while shuffling.

When shuffling, you are bound to drop a card now and then. Sometimes they seem to fly out from the pack while shuffling. What are these cards called? Are they a  special message from the Tarot? In this session we discuss the options for these cards.

Module 3: The Suits of the Tarot

Session 1: Understanding the Suit of Cups – The World of Romance.

In this session we look at cards from the suit of Cups. We explore the imagery the artist included in these cards to reveal what this suit is all about.

Session 2: Understanding the Suit of Pentacles – The World of Money.

In this session we look at cards from the suit of Pentacles. We explore the imagery the artist included in these cards to reveal what this suit is all about.

Session 3: Understanding the Suit of Swords – The World of Communication.

In this session we look at cards from the suit of Swords. We explore the imagery the artist included in these cards to reveal what this suit is all about.

Session 4: Understanding the Suit of Wands – The World of Adventure.

In this session we look at cards from the suit of Wands. We explore the imagery the artist included in these cards to reveal what this suit is all about.

Module 4: The Court Cards

Session 1: Who are the Court cards & why are they so important?

When you are doing a Tarot reading, the Court cards (the Page, Knight, Queen, and King of each suit) either indicate people, or they are the underlying energy of a situation. This session describes the enigmatic Court cards and shows what they truly represent in a reading.

Session 2: How knowing the elements of the suits helps your readings.

The four suits of the Tarot correspond with the four elements: water, earth, air, and fire. In the Court cards of the Tarot, the artist for the Rider-Waite deck included symbols and designs to show you which element is linked to each suit. Knowing this link will change the way you view each and every card in the Minor Arcana. It’s one of the most powerful pieces of Tarot interpretation you will ever learn!

Module 5: The Major Arcana

Session 1: A journey through the Major Arcana.

The Major Arcana cards show the psychology and spiritual drives of the individual. They represent essential qualities such as innocence, wisdom, temptation, and true love. The sequence of these cards can also represent the path to enlightenment. In this session you take a visual journey from innocence to spiritual illumination.

Session 2: Why the Major Arcana cards are the most powerful images in the deck.

The Major Arcana is filled with archetypal energy. In this training session you will find the archetypes present  in  the  cards  and  discover  the  powerful  influence  they  have  in  a reading.

Session 3: Tarot, fate and destiny: what governs your future?

What is the difference between fate and destiny? You cannot alter your fate unless you see the potential of a greater future for yourself. Tarot can help you awaken to the possibilities of your existence, and when you discover your purpose in life, you can choose your destiny.

Session 4: Can you do readings for yourself?

One of the advantages of being a good Tarot reader is that you no longer have to ask other people for readings—you can do them for yourself! In the past, Tarot readers were told not to lay out the cards for information about their own lives. Times have changed, and as long as you have some awareness of the mind-set required, you can successfully interpret cards in your own readings. Being able to ‘see’ your own future and consciously work towards your destiny is now regarded as one of the fundamental strengths of being a Tarot reader.

Module 6: Tarot Spreads for Divination and Spiritual Development

Session 1: Using Tarot for Yes/No answers.

People go to a Tarot reader for one reason only. They want answers. They want the reader to say either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a situation. Is that possible? Is it useful? A Yes/No reading can provide quick insight to a situation, but be aware of its limitations.

Session 2: The simplest Tarot reading of all — the One Card Draw.

Drawing one card from a deck gives you instant clarification about any situation. Use it to gain guidance in areas such as work, relationships, your spiritual direction, and personal growth.

Session 3: The versatility of the Three Card Spread.

This is a clever way to get quick insight about a troublesome situation. It’s sometimes known as the ‘Past, Present, and Future’ spread, but it can incorporate many other situations as well. Learn how to adapt it in order to gain greater awareness about any area of your life.

Session 4: Getting extra help from the cards themselves.

When you are doing a reading, there’s nothing worse than getting stuck on a particular card. Sometimes the story of the reading is clear enough, but there’s that one card that seems out of place. Don’t ignore it! To discover more information about what it means, choose a ‘clarification’ card to understand its message.

Session 5: The Stepping Stones Spread.

Many Tarot spreads are designed to give you insight about where your life is heading. They focus on what will happen in your life, and how you can best deal with it all. This spread is different. It takes you on a journey from your past to your future, but it’s all on an inner level. This is a spread that helps you overcome self-imposed limitations, which clears the way to a brighter future.

Session 6: How ‘action’ cards will change your life.

A Tarot reading shows your possible future. It reveals an outcome based on your past and present thoughts, beliefs, plans, and actions. If you don’t like that potential future, you can use an ‘action’ card to change your destiny.

Session 7: The best spread of all!

This Ten Card Spread is bound to become your favourite layout. It can be used for specific queries, or for general readings. It offers clarity about the past, present, and future of any issue, while giving greater awareness about the underlying aspects of the situation.

Don McLeod

Tarot Instructor

These training sessions will cover some basic information and then lead you through to more detailed knowledge of the cards and how to use them to gain accurate Tarot readings.

I’m really enjoying your Udemy course. I think it’s great, wonderful content. I like how you simplify it all as I tend to overcomplicate. I have now found it much easier to have more cards and pick up an overall mood rather than focus on one in detail. 

Ausma B.

Advanced Course

Tarot Masterclass: Intermediate to Professional

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An Online Tarot Reading with Mister Tarot

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