Tarot in Pop Culture

Tarot in Pop Culture

The Rider-Waite-Smith deck has appeared in many mediums of modern culture. If you’re an old hippie and you went to see the musical Hair in 1968, you might have been lucky enough to be given a ‘Lovers’ Tarot card souvenir by the cast during or after the show. If you’re...
10 Tarot Misconceptions: Debunking the Superstitions

10 Tarot Misconceptions: Debunking the Superstitions

Tarot is a centuries-old divination practice that uses a deck of cards to provide insights into the past, present, and future. It is a popular tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and decision-making. However, many misconceptions about Tarot can prevent people...
The Enigma of the Death Card

The Enigma of the Death Card

As you look at the image of the Death card, you might instinctively flinch, fearing its ominous connotations. But remember that its purpose is to beckon you to embark on a powerful journey of transformation and renewal. The Death card, bearing the number 13, is...
The Goddess Hebe – Tarot’s Princess of Cups

The Goddess Hebe – Tarot’s Princess of Cups

Of all the magical potions in the world, which one would you like to choose? How about an elixir for youth and everlasting life? If so, the Goddess Hebe is the person you need to speak to.  Hebe is the Goddess associated with the bloom of youth and the gift of...
The Life of A.E. Waite: The Creative Genius Behind the Tarot

The Life of A.E. Waite: The Creative Genius Behind the Tarot

Today, we celebrate the birth of a visionary thinker and the creative genius behind the modern Tarot deck, Arthur Edward Waite. His remarkable journey, marked by creativity and resourcefulness, has enriched the lives of countless individuals who seek spiritual wisdom...
Contemplating the Universe & Tarot

Contemplating the Universe & Tarot

In Carl Sagan’s quote: “For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love,” he suggests that trying to comprehend the scale of the universe can feel overwhelming. However, our emotional connections, relationships, and the sense of wonder that...

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