
Two Minutes of Tarot Training: The Ace of Wands


Learning Tarot through short video bites is a great way to digest the fundamental principles. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series of training videos, and I’m pleased to provide the links and transcript of the latest episode on the Ace of Wands. Click here to watch this on YouTube, or keep reading if you prefer to see the script for the video. In case you haven’t noticed, my notes are not an accurate transcript, as I tend to wander off-topic now and then, but it’s pretty close to what is shown on-screen. And if you decide to watch the video as well as read these notes, you’ll soon notice that I don’t limit myself to the two-minute timing as mentioned in the name of this series because I often get carried away with extra ideas when it’s being filmed. It’s also because I don’t have time to memorise everything before I begin shooting, so I use the script as a basis for the information I want to share. But that’s enough of my excuses; here’s the info about…  

The Ace of Wands

In the Tarot, the Aces are the start of the series of each suit, and therefore, they represent a new beginning. And the Ace of Wands is an energetic start to any endeavor. This is a highly positive card that boosts any Tarot reading. When there’s an Ace of Wands in a Tarot spread, it brings extra vitality and passion. When it appears, it coincides with feeling the need for spontaneous travel or the urge to go sky-diving… it’s always about the awakening of an adventurous spirit within. If you’ve been feeling a bit down, this card points out that the wheel has finally turned, and you are about to be filled with healthy energy.

The Wands also represent your working life, so it could also show an offer for a new job or the start of a new role in the workplace. It can mean being inspired to make changes in the workplace, and your colleagues will probably be looking to you for guidance during this time because it brings out leadership qualities in you. The Wands are ruled by the element of fire, and when you are filled with the fiery spirit that this card offers, you’ll be tempted to take risks, and you’ll feel inspired to achieve great things. And the good news is: whatever you are passionate about, doors will open, and where you lead, others will get caught up in your enthusiasm, and they’ll follow.  

As well as revealing enthusiasm, this card has a negative side. You might become restless and reckless, so be warned to enjoy the heightened state of lively energy associated with this card, but don’t allow yourself to go to extremes.

There isn’t much symbolism displayed in this card. Like the other Aces, the divine hand has a firm grasp on this Wand, and the hand glows with a palpable aura of power and conviction. This Wand is different from the other Wands in the series — it reminds me of a swagger stick, a short stick carried by a military officer as a symbol of authority. Swagger sticks are derived from a staff carried by Roman centurions as an emblem of office. I can imagine them charging into battle while holding up a stick like this.

The only other interesting symbols are the castle in the distance, and the Yods, floating from the Wand. The castle is another image representing power, authority, and leadership, which are all qualities of this card. The Yods are from a Hebrew system of mysticism called the Kabbalah. You can see these Yods as blessings detaching themselves from the Wand and floating into your life to give you extra drive, strength, and resilience that will push you forward and lift your spirit. 

Postscript for Blog Readers

The energy attached to the suit of Wands is about having a go at something. It’s associated with being passionate about a cause and willing to take a chance. Making this series of videos was an endeavor based on qualities that fit the characteristics of the suit of Wands. Even though I’m not a natural in front of the camera, I took action. Filled with inspiration and enthusiasm, I jumped into the role regardless of my inexperience in videography and editing. I know I could have produced something more professional if I had put off the project until I was better prepared, but I did what I could with the resources available at the time. 

I’ll probably regret this series in a few years, but at least I made an effort to express myself creatively. This is just the start, my friends! I’m sure I will improve as the years go by, and I hope you gain some helpful information from the videos I’ve already produced. I look forward to making one more each month. Stay tuned!  



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