Old Advice for New Readers of Tarot Cards

Old Advice for New Readers of Tarot Cards

Madame Lenormand was a professional fortune teller during the Napoleonic era in France. Her specialty was card reading. Her ability to see into the future became so well known that her list of clientele is said to have included Empress Josephine and the Emperor of...
Active Tarot – Not Passive Fortune Telling

Active Tarot – Not Passive Fortune Telling

It used to be that Tarot was seen as a passive situation. You dealt out the cards to discover what was going to happen to you, then you sat back and waited for that future to eventuate. How dull! What a fatalistic, defeatist attitude! I suggest being pro-active with...
The Marseille Tarot Deck

The Marseille Tarot Deck

While visiting Paris I was given a Rider-Waite deck with French titles on the cards. And from a Tarot point of view, this was fascinating because the manufacturers had used the images from the modern Rider-Waite deck, but they combined them with the titles from the...
The Soul Activation Spread for Spiritual Growth

The Soul Activation Spread for Spiritual Growth

I’ve been studying the Tarot since 1985 and with each passing year my interest in Tarot deepens, but I seem to be moving further away from doing readings about the future, and I am more inclined to explore the spiritual side of Tarot. A study of Tarot can easily lead...
Invocation to The Empress

Invocation to The Empress

I was recently invited to give a talk about ‘The Women of the Tarot’. At the end of this event, I put together a small ritual to help participants connect with Goddess energies. Here’s the invocation to The Empress that I wrote for this occasion. If you would like to...

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