Handbook of Tarot Spreads

A Tarot spread is the pattern in which cards are laid out during a reading. Each position in this pattern has a meaning attached to it. Spreads can range in complexity from simple layouts using only a few cards to complex ones utilising the whole deck.

ISBN: 9780648774532
$9.99 USD for a limited time only


17 Chapters

52 Pages

In this handbook, the reader is provided with a wide range of Tarot spreads for guidance and insight. It’s a collection of Mister Tarot’s favourite card layouts—the ones he uses on a regular basis.

There are more than a dozen useful and rewarding spreads that are clearly explained and fully illustrated with example readings. They have been tested in Mister Tarot’s workshops over many years, where students have found them to be easy to use, yet profound and enlightening at the same time.

When dealing with questions of a pragmatic nature, you can choose one of the simple spreads, such as the One Card Draw, or the Timeline Spread, but when you have questions about your spiritual life, try the Soul Activation Spread, or the Illumination Layout. Need motivation? Go straight to the Action Plan, or the Kicking Goals layout.

A little insight goes a long way to clarifying the complexities of life, and these Tarot spreads are an ideal starting point to help you gain greater awareness about yourself and your circumstances. These handy (and often original) layouts cover most of the questions you are ever likely to ask.

The book includes a handy reference chart of keywords for each card.


When you start obsessing over a problem, do you find yourself stuck in a mental loop—continuously contemplating all the things that could go wrong? Or, perhaps if you are fixated on the possibility of a relationship with Mr./Miss Dreamy, do you only see them as perfect in every way? Life’s not like that. There is good and bad in every situation and especially in every individual. What you need is information covering the advantages and disadvantages of any situation.

Here’s a simple spread offering a more realistic vision of circumstances. You can ask any sort of question and receive guidance and direction in just a few minutes. After asking your question and laying out the cards, the images in these four positions offer a brief summary of the potential of the situation, along with influences (favourable and unfavourable) and an outcome.


Sample Pages

A little insight goes a long way to clarifying the complexities of life, and these Tarot spreads are an ideal starting point to help you gain greater awareness about yourself and your circumstances.

Don McLeod

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Every Tarot reader needs a good selection of spreads to choose from. Here are Mister Tarot’s favourite spreads for gaining insight to everyday situations, such as love, career, and finances. And of course, there are many layouts devoted to gaining spiritual insights too. This book of Tarot spreads will provide the basis for all your Tarot readings.


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