
The Fool’s Journey is Wrong


Most books on the Tarot follow the idea that The Fool takes a journey through the Major Arcana to learn the ways of the material, emotional, and spiritual world to finally become enlightened, but this is wrong. The Fool is already enlightened, as we all are. The Fool doesn’t go on a journey; he is beyond that sequence of cards; that’s why he has the number zero. 

The Fool’s Journey is a representation of your life. Or, to be more precise, it’s the story of your life if you seek enlightenment and are willing to devote yourself to the spiritual path. The Fool is not on an adventure to acquire knowledge; this is your initiation, and he is your guide.

It’s not The Fool who meets The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, and The Charioteer — these are the archetypes and experiences that you had as you traveled through your formative years until adulthood. And for most people, this is the only level they ever achieve. This is the only stage of consciousness to which they evolve. There are 14 more cards in the Major Arcana, meaning there are another 14 stages of development if you want a complete life.   

Would you like to discover the spirituality within?
If you are willing, the Major Arcana shows you what is ahead…

  • You have to be brave enough to allow spirituality to express itself. (Strength)
  • You have to make time to contemplate the effect it will have upon you. (The Hermit)
  • You must be willing to accept the changes this will bring to your consciousness, lifestyle, and relationships. (The Wheel of Fortune)
  • You must be ready to discover the truth about your nature…its strengths and weaknesses. (Justice)
  • You must accept that your life will be turned upside-down. Many of your preconceived notions of reality and spirituality are about to be shifted, and there’s no going back once you have stepped across the threshold. (Hanged Man)
  • You must be willing to leave behind the old self, the ego, the lost soul, to embrace the spirit. (Death)
  • Once you have stepped into this new consciousness, you will receive an immediate payoff when you feel the universe’s love. (Temperance)

  • But the ego will not die as quickly as you expect. This is your biggest challenge so far. (The Devil)
  • When you finally break through the barriers of ego and illusion that you have built around the person you think you are, this realization is liberation. (The Tower)
  • The light of the universe guides you forwards. (The Star)
  • Deep suppressed emotions can surface in the gentle glow of understanding and compassion. (The Moon)
  • When you discover your true self and understand who you are, your light will shine for all to see. (The Sun)
  • This leads to awakening and the realisation of the spirit within. You are called to your higher purpose. (Judgement)
  • Stepping into your wisdom means entering a new world of experience that blends outer consciousness with inner understanding and spiritual bliss. (The World)

Our friend The Fool is part of The World, and The World is part of him. This is shown by the zero-shaped laurel wreath surrounding the dancer. You blend with the innocence of his child-like curiosity, the joyfulness of his adventurous spirit, and his deep love of life itself. This is all wrapped up in the energy of the card called The world, which is the culmination of a lifetime of seeking. It is the discovery of yourself.

Enlightenment is the realization that you already possess spiritual grace. Your ability to let it shine from you allows you to become a spiritual being in the mundane world. Having the courage to allow your spiritual nature to emerge from the inner self is what enlightenment is all about. The Fool’s Journey is the path to enlightenment, but it’s not his adventure; it’s yours. Bon Voyage! 




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