
A ‘Tower’ Experience


Mister Tarot has a ‘Tower’ moment

I recently ran a Tarot Skills class. To start the session we drew three cards from the Major Arcana. The first card was to show my role as a teacher. I shuffled the cards and withdrew the image called Temperance. As I looked at this card I noticed the flow of energy between the cups and realised it signified I was to keep the information flowing in a well-balanced manner. And because the angel in this card stands on earth and in the water, I interpreted it to mean my role was to provide a blend of practical and spiritual information.

The second card was chosen by a student. It represented the attitude in which the class was to participate in this workshop. The card intuitively chosen to represent their approach to the workshop was Judgement. On this card I saw the people standing with arms held wide and in my interpretation I suggested they open their arms, eyes, and hearts to the call of Tarot.

And the final card? I chose this card to signify the outcome for the day. If I fulfilled my role with the energy of the Temperance card, and if the class opened themselves to the teaching as shown in the card called Judgement, then this third card would be the result of our efforts. I shuffled the deck and concentrated on drawing an appropriate image, then I held it up for the class to see.

There was silence and surprised expressions on those around me when I pulled out the card. 
I turned it around so I could see it, and I broke into a smile. 
It was The Tower!

“That’s fantastic!” I crowed. “Look at that — a big, fat, glorious breakthrough is on its way! You’ve come along today with pre-conceived notions of what Tarot is about, and some of you have been doing readings for a while, but you still don’t have confidence in your interpretations, however, during this workshop we’re going to pull all of that apart and give you a new structure as a base for your Tarot skills. By the end of the day the old method of struggling with Tarot cards will be knocked away and replaced with a new, dynamic way of looking at the cards.”

I kept my part of the deal, and the participants kept theirs, and The Tower made its presence felt (in a positive way) by the end of the session.

Tarot Blessings,
Mister Tarot



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