
Soul Readings with Tarot


If you want to know the current stage of your spiritual growth, separate the Major Arcana from your Tarot deck, and hold those cards face down in front of you. Fan them out and tell yourself you are going to choose three cards to reflect the past, present, and future of your spiritual development. Now allow your subconscious to direct your hands to pick three appropriate cards.

The Tarot’s Major Arcana are strong, significant, archetypal forces of spirituality.
They represent a sequential journey towards enlightenment,
so they are perfect for portraying the steps of your spiritual journey.

Your first card choice represents the actions that brought you to this point. The second card tells you what you are going through at this time (on a spiritual level) and the final Tarot card reveals the spiritual insights that are about to manifest in your life.

Your circumstances change on a daily basis, so you can use this technique as many times as you like to track your spiritual development. It’s a great way to understand the inner process which links your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual expression.

Here’s an example to illustrate this process. In a recent reading for my friend Margueritte, the cards chosen were The Magician, The Lovers, and Death. An interpretation of these cards shows the following spiritual forces at work.

Past – The Magician: In the recent past, Margueritte found a spiritual teacher who suggested a variety of mystical paths for her to explore. This opened her consciousness to many interesting options, but she found herself scattering her energies between different forms of spiritual practices.

Present – The Lovers: Margueritte has now become focused on only one or two spiritual interests. She has found a way to integrate her spiritual path with her daily life and now feels she is in tune with her spiritual destiny.

Future – Death: This card looks negative, but it shows a period of transformation in the near future. Margueritte’s old life will be left behind as she whole-heartedly embraces her devotion to the spiritual realms.

Soul Readings indicate your mystical progress and can reveal what you need to know about your spiritual development. Give it a try!


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