
Tarot Talk in Adelaide


A recent Tarot talk I gave in Adelaide was called ‘Tarot Made Simple’. The spiritual essence of Tarot was briefly covered in this presentation, and it drew such favourable discussion amongst the group that I thought I’d share parts of my notes on this subject in a blog post. Here’s a segment of the talk dealing with spirituality and intuition…

Be aware that Tarot is a spiritual tool and it is filled with mystical signs and magical symbols which will filter into your consciousness as you use the cards. The Tarot is filled with angels, gods, goddesses, astrological symbols, mythic beasts, and alchemical symbols. Its suits are the elements which are the building blocks of life itself (air and earth and fire and water) and they are bonded with spirit from the Major Arcana.

You cannot read a book of love poetry without having the phrases of desire and yearning stir your heart. In a similar way, the Major Arcana sequence of The Fool to The World reveals a journey to spiritual awareness and enlightenment — and this raises your consciousness as you read the Tarot cards.

As you use the cards, your intuition will strengthen — it has to! With each hour you invest in Tarot, your natural talent for divination will blossom. Using Tarot will become a spiritual practice. As you delve into its mysteries, your consciousness will be taken to a higher level. And in a similar way, if you want to be a good Tarot reader, make the effort to lift your consciousness and you will see more in the cards than ever before.

Tarot can help your spiritual development, and it can be easier to learn how to interpret Tarot cards when you are aware of spiritual patterns and metaphysical energies, so if you are already on that path, then you have an excellent head start in the art of Tarot reading.


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