Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings

When you’ve dealt your Tarot cards for a reading, but your mind goes blank on the meaning of one of the images, what can you do? Here’s a simple way to kick-start an interpretation of any Tarot card’s meaning: think of the qualities of the suit it belongs to. The suit...
A Brief Guide to Tarot Cards

A Brief Guide to Tarot Cards

Lockdowns during the Covid pandemic resulted in many people having more time for introspection about their lives, and serious contemplation about their future. For many it was a time of learning yoga, or doing regular meditation, and for some people it also provided...
Do Free Tarot Readings Have Any Value?

Do Free Tarot Readings Have Any Value?

An ad for a free Tarot reading is enticing, but is it really worth clicking there? If it’s only costing your time then it may not seem like it’s a big risk, but what about the price of wrong information? Most people want to know that circumstances in their lives are...
The Aces of the Tarot

The Aces of the Tarot

The first kiss, the first car, the first job…they’re all memorable…and this is why the first card of any suit is special. All of the Aces represent new beginnings. They are powerful cards that promise a significant start, followed by the achievement of results. They...
The Minor Arcana is of Major Importance!

The Minor Arcana is of Major Importance!

Although it’s correct to say that the Major Arcana are the most powerful images within the deck, don’t discount the Minor Arcana, for they are an extremely important part of this divinatory system. In The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Waite suggests, “The pictures (on...

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