The Aces of the Tarot

The Aces of the Tarot

The first kiss, the first car, the first job…they’re all memorable…and this is why the first card of any suit is special. All of the Aces represent new beginnings. They are powerful cards that promise a significant start, followed by the achievement of results. They...
The Spiritual Lesson from the Suit of Cups

The Spiritual Lesson from the Suit of Cups

When you think of spirituality, one of the main qualities that’s sure to come to mind is love. And since love is the essence of the suit of Cups, could this suit be the most spiritual of all? Love and romance flows when Cups dominate a spread. But you must be willing...
The Soul Activation Spread for Spiritual Growth

The Soul Activation Spread for Spiritual Growth

I’ve been studying the Tarot since 1985 and with each passing year my interest in Tarot deepens, but I seem to be moving further away from doing readings about the future, and I am more inclined to explore the spiritual side of Tarot. A study of Tarot can easily lead...

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