
Judgement Card


When the Judgement Card Appears:

Are you awake? Or are you walking through life as a zombie?

So many trudge along with no motivation, no passion, no goals, and without those big, bold dreams that make it easy to climb out of bed in the morning.

Judgement CardWhen you find the card called Judgement appearing in your readings, it’s time to evaluate your life and be ready to ‘follow your bliss’. This card is all about awakening to your desires and following your heart.

In this card’s image, the angel Gabriel is blowing his trumpet to blast you awake. This is a biblical scene representing the last judgement.

When this card turns up, be prepared for some life-changing notions to dominate your thoughts. The angel is saying that the universe is waiting for you to re-awaken to all the possibilities you used to imagine were your ultimate destiny.

The time is right. Take the steps required to live the life you know you could be living. Rise up and make your dreams a reality. It’s up to you to create the life of your dreams, so wake up to your own potential.


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