
How to Shuffle Tarot Cards


To get the best results from a Tarot reading, shuffle your cards with mindfulness. During the shuffle of the cards, your subconscious is using your hands to place the selected cards into a sequence of appropriate images as an answer to your query, so give yourself plenty of time to shuffle them beyond any random order.

Before you shuffle the cards, you need to decide on the purpose of your reading. In order for your subconscious to be able to offer a definitive answer to any query, it needs to be channelled through a simple, clearly defined, unambiguous question. You need to be able to hold a clear question in your mind if you want your subconscious to be able to give straightforward direction. Therefore, you must work out in your mind the basic essence of the question for which you would like an answer.

If you have expectations of a yes/no answer from the Tarot, think again. It’s possible of course (I’ve written another article on the subject) but this sort of question doesn’t leave any avenue of expression for other options that need to present themselves. Another fault with this type of question is that you are asking your subconscious to give an answer to your query within the limited reference of the present time. By incorporating a time frame into your question, you can get a better idea of what will happen during the coming weeks or months.

Before you begin shuffling, also work out in your mind what type of Tarot spread you are going to use. Then reduce your question to its simplest form. It’s a bit like using an Internet search engine. The more you refine the wording for your search, the closer you get to the information you desire.

Once you have established your question, shuffle the Tarot cards with nothing but your query in mind. If your thoughts stray while shuffling, think back to your question and shuffle some more. Do not allow your thoughts to wander to other topics while shuffling.

A recent study found that it takes 7 complete shuffles of a deck of playing cards before they are randomly dispersed in a pack.* A Tarot deck has 26 more cards than a normal deck of cards, so it takes about 9 or 10 shuffles before your subconscious has enough opportunity to sort the cards into the appropriate order for an accurate Tarot reading.

When you feel you have the Tarot cards properly shuffled, you can deal them into your spread. This is not an easy judgement to make, but you will develop a feeling for it eventually.

Lots of Tarot authors tell you to cut the deck after shuffling, but this is not necessary. Shuffling the cards is sufficient for their arrangement within the deck.

It may seem like there’s a lot of things to be mastered in order to shuffle effectively, but it all boils down to one thing: focus. Just calm your mind and focus on the question and shuffle until you feel ready to deal out the cards.

* Study done by mathematician Persi Diaconis ( September 30, 2009


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