
A Formula for Understanding the Court Cards


Some of the most interesting characters of the Tarot are the Court cards. But many people find them difficult to interpret. Here’s a simple formula to help you work out their meanings when they turn up in a spread: Age + Quality + Suit = Meaning.

When you combine their age (which is really their level of experience in the world) + the basic quality for each Court card of their rank + their suit = you get an insightful and accurate meaning for that card.

Pages = young
Knights = youthful
Queens = mature woman
Kings = adult male

All Pages relate to Potential
All Knights relate to Opportunity
All Queens relate to Satisfaction
All Kings relate to Stability

Wands = Energy
Swords = Thoughts
Pentacles = Materialism
Cups = Emotions


For example, in a reading…
The Page of Wands shows an inexperienced young person who has the potential for being adventurous.
The Knight of Pentacles shows an enthusiastic youth who has an opportunity to make money.
The Queen of Swords shows a mature woman who has developed deep satisfaction from her clear and decisive way of thinking.
And the King of Cups shows an adult male who finally has stability in his emotional world.

The Court cards add vibrancy and personality to a Tarot reading, so remember the basic information outlined above and you’ll be able to combine it all to create an easy and accurate interpretation.



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